10 Garden Tips for September

As September rolls in, gardens begin their transition from summer’s vibrant blooms to the rich, golden hues of fall. While the cooler temperatures start to creep in, there’s still plenty of work to be done in the garden to keep it thriving through the season! Whether you're planting for spring, prepping your soil, or tidying up for the winter months, these 10 essential September gardening tips will help ensure your garden stays healthy, productive, and ready for the changing seasons:

1. Plant Fall Veggies: Sow cool-season crops like spinach, kale, lettuce, and radishes for a fresh fall harvest.

2. Divide Perennials: September is the perfect time to divide and transplant perennials like daylilies, hostas, and irises before the winter sets in.

3. Deadhead Flowers: Continue deadheading spent blooms on annuals and perennials to encourage late-season flowering.


4. Plant Spring Bulbs: Get ahead of next year's blooms by planting spring bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and crocuses.

5. Harvest Late Summer Veggies: Pick your tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, and beans before the weather turns cool.

6. Mulch Garden Beds: Add a layer of mulch to retain moisture, suppress weeds, and protect plants as the temperatures cool.


7. Prune Summer-Flowering Shrubs: Trim back hydrangeas and other summer bloomers after flowering to encourage healthy growth next season.

8. Collect Seeds: Gather seeds from your favorite annuals or perennials to save for next year’s planting.

9. Check for Pests: Keep an eye out for slugs and other pests that can still damage plants as the weather cools.

10. Plant new perennials: September is a good month to plant new perennials while the soil is still warm from summer, and there’s likely to be plenty of rain to keep them watered.
