9 tips for low maintenance gardens


Do you long for a beautiful garden but don’t have the time to look after it? Gardening doesn’t always have to be hard work. With the right choice of plants and a few clever tips, you can create a garden full of colour and interest that doesn’t require constant looking after. Here are our top nine tips on low-maintenance gardening



1. Pick plants native to your region. Native gardens require little work. The plants usually grow together very well and are usually more resistant to diseases and pests. This means you'll avoid using costly, potentially harmful, pesticides and fertilizers in your yard. They are also adapted to our climate, help with water conservation, and are great for pollinators all while helping the biodiversity of your yard. It's a win-win!


2.  Shrubs are ideal for low-maintenance gardens, often needing just annual pruning to keep them looking good. Try evergreen like Laurel for a year-round structure in the garden or add some color with Butterfly Bush or Russian Sage. 


3. Plant drought-tolerant plants for less watering. Ornamental Grasses, Lavender, Coreopsis, and Yarrow are excellent options.



4. Groundcover plants are great for suppressing weeds, and they look beautiful while doing it! Ferns, Hostas and Lily of the Valley make excellent groundcover plants for shady spots. In sunny beds, plant options like Dianthus, Black Eyes Susan, Alyssum or Sedum.


5. Pick plants that suit your garden’s conditions and will grow happily there. Don’t try to force sun-loving plants to grow in the shade or vice versa, as stressed plants are more likely to be attacked by pests and diseases, needing more care and attention from you. 


6. When planting in containers, remember that small pots dry out fast in hot weather and need frequent watering. To reduce the time and effort spent watering your pots, combine several plants in one large pot – but check first to make sure they all like the same growing conditions! Add a slow-release fertilizer like NurseryLand 16-10-10 Container Food once for the whole summer for beautiful blooms all season long.



7. Even low-maintenance gardens will need some weeding, but annual weeds in flowerbeds are easily tackled with a garden hoe. On a dry day, run it over the soil so that the blade of the hoe cuts through the weeds just below the surface of the soil. The weeds can then be left to wither on the surface.


8. Get rid of any awkward corners on your lawn so that it is quick and easy to mow. If your garden is small, you could even get rid of the grass altogether and replace it with a no-mow option like moss, creeping thyme or clover. 



9. Apply a thick layer of mulch to beds in autumn or early spring when the soil is damp. This does require some effort, but the benefits are well worth it, as the mulch helps suppress weeds and keeps moisture in the soil. Annual mulching with organic material like well-rotted farmyard manure or garden compost also improves soil structure so that it retains moisture in dry periods, reducing the need to water. 


Looking for more guidance on low-maintenance plants? We have a fantastic range in our centre, and our friendly staff are always happy to help. Come and see us soon!
